For After Hours Emergency Assistance Call: 0861 555 325

For After Hours Emergency Assistance Call:
0861 555 325



Druid Relay Expansion Card

The Druid Relay Expansion Card can be used to increase the number of information outputs from the Druid 25LCD or Druid 28LCD energizers, and can be installed in the energizer housing. It has four inputs which can be used to switch the individual zones on/off and to switch between high and low voltage for each zone.



  • 4 digital inputs
  • 10 relay outputs
  • Robust surge protection is included on all inputs and outputs
  • All relays can be individually configured to be independent dry contacts or common-ground wet contacts with 12V nominal output
  • 3 programmed settings to choose from
  • Low battery indicator
  • Zone 1 and 2 alarms and fence check alarms
  • Service and tamper conditions
  • Communication timeouts


Size L180mm x W112mm x H22mm
Weight ~260g
Power supply 10V – 15Vdc