For After Hours Emergency Assistance Call: 0861 555 325

For After Hours Emergency Assistance Call:
0861 555 325


Author: nimbler

When the busiest shopping weekend of the year arrives, if you’ll be one of the millions of holiday shoppers, take some extra precautions to protect yourself, your purchases and personal information. How can I protect myself in the store? Keep your purse close to your body...

It's Holiday Season! It's been an amazing year packed with new challenges and opportunities! As we head into the festive season, we reminisce about all the blessings that we received during the year and welcome 2020 with open arms. But before we embrace the New year the Integrated IP...

Physical security addresses actions you can take to protect buildings, property, and assets against intruders. When designing a physical security program, the three levels you need to protect are your outer perimeter, your inner perimeter, and your interior. If you can implement two or three...

It’s one of the most terrifying experiences you could wish to endure. But if things escalate even further, home invasions can also be one hell of a legal minefield. The last thing anyone should have to think about during such a horrendous situation is what laws...

When you leave for work in the morning or head out for vacation, the safety of your home is usually front of mind. From doorbells that double as security cameras and floodlights that detect the slightest bit of motion, we sometimes put a great deal of...

Considering how many times we read about house break-ins, robberies, or worse, families being attacked or held hostage in their own homes, or hear about closer-to-home incidents around the braai, home safety remains a concern for many South Africans. Ensure, and regularly check, that the main...